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Apr 21, 2012

My practicum


It has  been quite a long time I didn't write any entry. life is hectic.buzy with my practicum, then settle up my assignment. now, baru ada masa free2 nak tulis entry. blog ni telah di anaktirikan oleh tuan dia..patutla terabai.hahaha.

My practicum take only 1 month.punya lama rasanya. if I was in college and attend the lecture, rasa sekejap je sebulan tu.hehe.

dat is my friend. Three of us face joy and sorrow together in Sk. Kibabaig.
The day before practicum we went to the school, to make sure dat during the 1st day we didn't lose the way

buku kehadiran guru pelatih

1 month is sooo long..huhu.when my first time enter the class 4 gemilang which has 38 student, punyala excited student dia. the students in d class like to ask me "teacher, may I go to toilet". budak2 mmg mcm ni .tak bg nnt teacher dia serba salah.(T_T)
then, one more habit, biler nak drink water, minta kebenaran nak minum kat luar kelas. hari 1st still okla tp bile dah bg rules baru dorg tau ..huehe

bile dah lama-lama budak2 ni makin manja ngan aku..bhahaha. klu marah pon baik kejap pastu jadi balik.ok fine. paadahal rasa dah garang dah nie but the student said, teacher x garang.huhuhu.

berebut nak masuk gambar.murid-muridku ni.

dat boy, crester anak kepada guru matematik kelas 4G. love drawing n origami.  

majority the student in the class were not muslim and the no. of boys more than girls. ada mcm2 etnik brunei, dusun, bajau, n etc. some of the boys were cute..hahaha.terpikat sekejap.

 all the teacher in dis shool are friendly.bestla jugak.headmaster pun sporting.ngeh3
my student rajin bagi teacher dia cake la,donut la,chocolate it my student like to give me food..haha.nak bg teacher dia gemuk kot.perasan sndiri ;p.hahaha.

 comot sudaa..but delicious.perisa blueberry n chocolate

dpt coklat lg..banyak giler..coklat yg salu org guna buat hantaran kawin..haha.

time last day,my students buat party.time ni la i'm bz pg jumpa gb, guru pembimbing nak settlekan borang2 praktikum tu.kesian student2 ku duk ulang-alik panggil teacher dia masuk kelas.
time masuk kelas my students bg kad ucapan n hadiah.terharu (T_T) 
gambar satu kelas kat kamera kawan.x dpt nak tepek gmbar bnyk2.huu

yeay!!berjaya buat satu entry yg bermula dr hari 1st terus ending.pemalas betul budak nie.