Mari Klik

Sep 4, 2014

Choose n cheese


Sedapnya dpt makan cheese cake malam malam begini.orang lain dah membuta ak baru terhegeh-hegeh nak menyiapkan dateline kerja.pheewww

Sape kata kerja tu tak penat.tau-tau bulan buln masuk duit dlm akaun bank.tu kerja goyang kaki namanya.nak kerja hati biar ikhlas.mcmtu jugak nak mengajar is not easy lagi lagi budak yg terlalu 'pandai'.rasa nak piat je telinga.hehe.

Choose?choose what?choose ur career,choose ur car,choose ur soulmate or choose anything that u want.let say if u want to choose a dress to wear.u have ur own opinion about the material,the design,the calor,the place u to go and so on.that is what u always titik beratkan when it come to clothes or dress right.u want something that suit u well and look perfect( means something that give confidence on u).

Begitu juga dgn soal hati n choose is not an easy thing.pilih je mana kau suka.aik,ingat pilih baju ke apa daa..alah setengah orang ckp,klu dia dah suka kau, kau terima nikahnya jelah.hehe.woit woit sblum tu restu parens is the most important things tau.
For me,privacy is privacy.don't interfere with it.ahakss.doakanlah yg terbaik tuk dapat jodoh yang baik kan.teheee.
Ok.habis dah ak ngarut.hope takda yang membaca karut marut ak nie.may my wish dis year come true.tak sabar rasanya but many things are not done yet.may Allah easy everything.ok then.
tata titi tutu.